Queens Award

Case Study

ESF Hong Kong Science Labs

The English Schools Foundation is the largest English-medium international school organization in Hong Kong. S+B UK’s collaboration with ESF started over 20 years ago when they worked with Sha Tin College and South Island School on their Hong Kong science labs.

The positive outcome of that project led to S+B being contacted by Percy Thomas Partnership (HK) in 2019 to create innovative STEM learning and discovery spaces for the same two schools. This showcases the trust and confidence ESF and their project partners have in S+B’s ability to deliver high-quality laboratory furniture solutions, by using a tried and tested furniture supplier.

S+B worked with HCS, Linde HKO Ltd, our agent in Hong Kong, on this project. The project involved designing and installing laboratory furniture and fume cupboards for six science labs, two prep rooms, and two auxiliary rooms. The collaboration aimed to provide environmentally friendly, durable, flexible, and safe furniture solutions that would enhance student appeal and support effective scientific experimentation.

As ESF had previously used S+B’s science furniture, the durability and renewability of the Corian work surfaces presented an excellent opportunity for recycling. By refabricating the surfaces with minimal cleansing, S+B was able to bring the worktops back to an “as new” condition, extending their lifespan by another 25 years. This environmentally friendly approach demonstrated that updated facilities could be delivered without compromising functionality or appearance while offering significant cost savings.

The schools had serious safety concerns about loose tables in the laboratories. They were worried that accidental movements during experiments involving naked flames, boiling liquids, and chemicals could lead to potential hazards. To address these concerns, S+B proposed the Xenium Service Tower and Table System, which featured the unique Intercon connection system.

The system provided an ideal solution to the safety concerns. The towers were strategically placed around the central areas of each lab, equipped with gas, water, and electricity services. Moveable tables were supplied to offer necessary worktop space. Unlike traditional loose tables, the Xenium tables could be quickly, easily, and securely connected to the Xenium towers, preventing accidental movements during experiments.

The Xenium System allowed the schools to create safe and practical group work areas with excellent sight lines and teacher access to all students at any time. When the need to reconfigure the room arose, it could be done quickly and easily using the Intercon release key.

Additionally, S+B also supplied 4 Ecoline ducted fume cupboards, which further contributed to the transformation of the Hong Kong science labs and prep rooms into state-of-the-art STEM learning environments at the schools.